We’re trading a tough season (and tired eyes) for one of wild expectancy and promise.
As I reflect on the past few months, I’m reminded that we’ve been navigating a tough season. There have been tears, laughter, and moments of exhaustion. But through it all, our family has grown, learned, and been held tenderly by God’s love.
In the midst of the hard, I’ve clung to Jesus’ words, journaling the struggles and drinking deep from His promises. Our family has become more gentle with each other, holding onto the good. We’ve fixed our eyes on Jesus, and our hearts are eager for more of Him as we FINALLY step into 2025.
I’m grateful we all said yes to Him. I’m grateful that we got to snap this picture in the midst of the hard and the holy on the way. And I’m so glad God invited me into this with them by my side.
Friend, I know the season you’re in—or maybe the one you’re heading into—might be challenging. Can I remind you that God won’t waste it? Can I encourage you to sit in the grip of His grace? Can I remind you that you’re so brave and that this won’t take you out—not because of your strength, but because of His? Can I remind you that you don’t have to apologize for your tears? Your humanity is not a liability to the kingdom; it’s a reminder that you’re in need of a Savior. And for what could be the first time in many days, months, or even years, I pray you let those reminders feel hopeful, not weak or exhausting or cliché.
I pray you’ll let hope rise up within you today- hope that’s not based on your own resilience, but on His unshakeable promise to carry you through.
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful – Hebrews 10:23
Let the scripture above be as beautiful for you, just as it has been for me. We’re in it for the long haul. Let’s keep going.

Lord, I pray that you’ll give us the strength to persevere, the courage to hope, and the faith to trust in your goodness. Help us to hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, knowing that you are faithful.
Let it be, in Jesus’ name.
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